We are very excited to share our very first blog post with you!
One of the indicator of having good manners is a proper introduction when you first meet someone.
So we decided to go ahead and introduce students on a budget.
The goal of this website is to establish a network for students where everyone shares their experiences and provides useful information and tips on how to stick to your budget. We will look into various issues you face i.e. when moving to a new place.
Every Sunday we will try to excite you with a new blog post / video with topics of getting your paperwork done (we all hate it), getting/building furniture for your awesome new room, helpful channels, grocery store deals, budget travelling, finding a job and just getting around. We want to show you that you can make the most out of life and won't spend a fortune on that :) So feel free to subscribe to our youtube channel and follow us on instagram where we will launch an awesome campaign called "experiences under 10€" very soon.
Please don't be too harsh on us, we are neither professional editors, nor do we own any fancy filming equipment. After all, we are only students on a budget. We would appreciate if you come and visit us regularly and are always happy if you comment, share and like our posts. So spread the word and share as much as you can, so that as many students as possible can benefit from these tips. And always remember .... to stay on a budget!
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