meet toja

Hi everyone, 

we are Jamila and Tobias -in short TOJA. We know it is a little cheesy but who doesn't like things to be a little cheesy right? We would like to use this opportunity to inform you who we are and also what we thought when we launched this page. So here it is, on your right side you see Jamila. She is 26 years young and originally from Azerbaijan. She loves cooking, travelling and enjoys nature. 

On the left side you see Tobias. He is 26 year young and from Germany. He likes doing crafts and his preferred material is wood. He enjoys seeing the outcome of his work in form of a new product. We both try to live very sustainable and try to minimise our carbon foot print. Nature has a specific importance in our lives as we both grew up next to it.

We are currently enrolled in the master program of innovation and product management in Upper Austria. As students our every day life includes new experiences which we are excited to share with you. On this website you will also find some tips and tricks on how to live sustainable on a budget. We hope you enjoyed your time on the web page and our other social media channels. Thank you for visiting. We hope you stay curious and of course always on a budget!